Adult Pottery April May Session

Registration Will Open March 4th ish, please join the list to be notified of the exact time registration will open.
join the list if you wish to be notified when future classes open.

Next Session Dates;
Sunday – Apr 20th, 27th, May 4th, 11th, 18th
Monday – Apr 21st, 28th, May 5th, 12th, 19th
Tuesdays – Apr 22nd, 29th, May 6th, 13th, 20th
Wednesdays – Apr 23rd, 30th, May 7th, 14th, 21st
Thursdays –Apr 24th, May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Fridays – Apr 25th, May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd
Saturdays – Apr 26th, May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

Look at the Calendar for other session dates

No Experience require;) Shorter nails and hair tied back is recommended:)

Look at the Calendar for other session dates, If you can’t make a class you can sometimes makeup on a Friday or Saturday class as I leave one empty wheel for such occasions 🙂

Your first 5-week session costs $280 + GST which includes all clay, tools and glazes. Classes have a maximum of ten (10) students for a very hands on learning experience.

Subsequent sessions are
5-week sessions for $260 + GST or
10-week sessions for $500 + GST or
10-week studio time for $420 + GST (for experienced students only)

Students start on the wheel day one. ALL tools and clay are included:)

Day 1– Participants will be shown the process of centering, throwing and shaping a pottery piece on the wheel. Students will then use the pottery wheel to make 2-3 pieces on day 1. (2-3hour)

Day 2– Participants will be shown a demonstration on trimming and cleaning the pieces thrown in class 1 after which the participant will trim the pieces they threw on day 1. After the trimming the participants will throw another 1-3 pieces on the wheel. (2-3hour)

Day 3– Participants will be shown a demonstration on trimming and cleaning the pieces thrown in class 2 after which the participant will trim the pieces they threw on day 1. After the trimming the participants will throw another 2-3 pieces on the wheel. (2-3hour)
NOTE: Day 3 is supervised by a less experienced instructor. 

Day 4– Trimming, carving, sculpting and cleaning the pieces thrown in day 2 & 3 as well as handle making for any mugs. (2-3hour)

Day 5– Glazing of the pieces will be completed in this class. (1-3hour)