Registration NOW Open.
join the list if you wish to be notified when future classes open.
Next Session Dates;
Sunday – Jan 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, Feb 2nd
Monday – Jan 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, Feb 3rd
Tuesdays – Jan 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, Feb 6th
Wednesdays – Jan 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, Feb 5th
Thursdays – Jan 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, Feb 6th
Fridays – Jan 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, Feb 7th
Saturdays – Jan 11th, 18th, 25th, Feb 1st, 8th
Look at the Calendar for other session dates
No Experience require;) Shorter nails and hair tied back is recommended:)
Look at the Calendar for other session dates, If you can’t make a class you can sometimes makeup on a Friday or Saturday class as I leave one empty wheel for such occasions 🙂
Your first 5-week session costs $280 + GST which includes all clay, tools and glazes. Classes have a maximum of ten (10) students for a very hands on learning experience.
Subsequent sessions are
5-week sessions for $260 + GST or
10-week sessions for $500 + GST or
10-week studio time for $420 + GST (for experienced students only)
Students start on the wheel day one. ALL tools and clay are included:)
Day 1– Participants will be shown the process of centering, throwing and shaping a pottery piece on the wheel. Students will then use the pottery wheel to make 2-3 pieces on day 1. (2-3hour)
Day 2– Participants will be shown a demonstration on trimming and cleaning the pieces thrown in class 1 after which the participant will trim the pieces they threw on day 1. After the trimming the participants will throw another 1-3 pieces on the wheel. (2-3hour)
Day 3– Participants will be shown a demonstration on trimming and cleaning the pieces thrown in class 2 after which the participant will trim the pieces they threw on day 1. After the trimming the participants will throw another 2-3 pieces on the wheel. (2-3hour)
NOTE: Day 3 is supervised by a less experienced instructor.
Day 4– Trimming, carving, sculpting and cleaning the pieces thrown in day 2 & 3 as well as handle making for any mugs. (2-3hour)
Day 5– Glazing of the pieces will be completed in this class. (1-3hour)
Typical take home after 4-weeks of pottery:) Coffee will be that much better.